Let Me Introduce Myself

It's Nice To Meet You

Howdy y'all, I'm Staceemaree. Actually, that's a creative spelling of my real name, but it suits me, and I like it, so I use it everywhere. I have a personal profile on all the major social networks. Although I often forget about my Instagram, and my Twitter is nothing more than a boring commentary on the television series' that I binge watch... over and over again. You may also find my feeds dotted with posts about anxiety and depression because, well... such is life.

For various reasons, it's always been very difficult for me to find work outside of the home, and living on one income in a tumultuous economy has always meant that if I wanted something frivolous or decorative, I had to learn to make it myself! This includes jewelry, artwork and wall decor, holiday decorations and gift items, place mats, pillows, curtains... yada yada yada. This led me to become quite crafty and imaginative.

When new medical conditions drastically changed the circumstances of our lifestyle, I struggled to find a way to bring in a little extra income. That's when I realized that if you can't find a job that's right for you, then you make the job that's right for you.

My nest is nearly empty now, and this, of course, leaves me with a lot more time to devote to my hobbies and creative endeavors. I maintain various blogs and Facebook pages about family life ... nature & photography ... genealogy & history ... and now... crafting.

I opened Stacee's Random Whatnot on Etsy a few years ago, during a difficult financial crisis. It surely wasn't a quick fix, but every day that I spend creating, networking, and marketing is a step closer to a successful home business.

If you have an Etsy shop too, I'd love for you to leave a comment here on this blog post with your shop link, and a little something about yourself!

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