The Bipolar Grinch Stole My Christmas!

It's December 2015. Christmas is right around the corner, and here I am with no Chachkies and Christmas Kitsch to offer.

It's not like I haven't tried to create new inventory for the holidays. I started back in September so I knew I'd have enough time to complete, photograph, list, sell, and ship any item in time for the big day. I had it all planned out.

"everybody has a plan... until they get punched in the face." 

-- Mike Tyson

Well, I got punched in the face.
As she often does, Life stepped up with a mean right hook, and took me to the mat for a little while. Of all the things that kept me from listing a Christmas selection, I'd have to say that it was the Bipolar Depression that gets most of the blame.

It steals my confidence, and zaps my energy, and squahes my motivation. This is why I mostly sell completed and "ready to ship", as opposed to "made to order"... because I never know when I will be heading into that dark cycle. 

But it's not like I didn't try.

I completed three feet of a six foot red and green plastic canvas chain style tree garland. 

There was a six by six inch plastic canvas, decorative red and green open top box, sewn in a diamond lace pattern, and filled with a display of personally gathered pine cones (not pictured).

I created this red and green diamond patterned tissue box cover, with green beads hand sewn into the center of each diamond.

I nearly finished this Victorian style, painted pine cone Christmas tree, decorated with strands of mauve ribbon, pink pearls, and various beads that sits atop a painted and decorated round box.

To my credit, I did make a flowery candle holder, a jute wrapped mason jar, and a yarn wrapped upcycled jar vase during this time, that were completed and listed! Yay Me!

It wasn't a total wash. The pine cone box became a gift for my mom. The other items will be completed and listed in plenty of time...

So maybe I'm not so late, but extremely early for the 2016 holiday season!

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